…because I worried about 40 for nothing! Monday, Oct 1 2007 

I thought turning 40 was going to be a big deal. Well, it was a big deal, but for reasons I did not suspect. I thought it was going to be a big deal because I was going to fall apart and worry about my appearance and getting older and being over the hill. None of that happened! It was a big deal because my wonderful hubby threw a big blow-out with 150 of our closest friends and family members. It was fantastic! Turned out to be my best birthday ever. Boy do I feel silly about worrying. I should have been looking forward to it. And, I might add, I looked great!

Boy do I look great! Friday, Mar 30 2007 

Well, it’s Friday, and just this past Wednesday made two weeks since my tummy tuck, so I’m 16 days in.  Boy do I look great!  I feel great!  I am SO GLAD I had this operation.  Thumbs up all the way.  I only wish I knew how to put pictures in my post so that I could put before and after pics. 

Just in case someone out there is reading this and wondering if they should do it, let me tell you a few things.  First, it hurts like hell for the first seven or eight days.  You are grey for a few days, then you turn a shade of white.  I mean it, it is a wierd looking white color, like you are devoid of color.  Then you wake up one day and you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you look like you again and your color is normal.  That is when you know you are on the road to recovery and that you have turned a very big corner.

Second, it does hurt bad.  I’m not going to candy coat this.  It hurts!  Now that that’s said, let me go on.  Looking back on the whole exprience, a mere sixteen days into it, I can say with great honesty that the pain was worth the outcome.  In fact, the outcome far out weighs the amount of pain I experienced.  It’s just like giving birth in a way.  (Don’t freak out, I’m not saying this is anything as joyful or wonderous as bringing a baby into the world, I’m only comparing the pain to the overall experience!)  So what I’m trying to say is that it is sort of like giving birth.  You are in dire pain, you feel like you screwed up royally by getting pregnant because now you are in the midst of the worst pain you’ve ever experienced and you are only dilated 3 cm, and there is no stopping this freight train, one way or another, you will pass that nine pound bundle of joy and the pain is getting worse by the minute.  Then, when it is all said and done, you have your baby and somehow the memory of the pain is still there, but the intensity seems so much smaller.  That is the same with this surgery.  You stand in front of the mirror and look at your new body, and somehow all the pain you know you went through doesn’t seem that bad anymore.  It’s just a memory.

Third, you do get a brand new, very improved body.  My sister summed it up when she took her very first look at me two days ago, which was day fourteen, and said that I got my twenty-year-old body back.  I had never thought of it that way, but she is correct.  I look the same now as I did when I was twenty.  Girls, I’m going to be 40 this summer!  I went from 149 lbs. to 133 lbs. in a matter of three hours.  I went from a size 10 (and some 12’s) down to a size 6 in a matter of three hours.  I went from feeling okay about myself to feeling great about myself in a matter of three hours.  My husband looks at me the way he did when we first married.  Now tell me this all wasn’t worth the amount of pain I went through – and $10,000 dollars!

So, do I recommend it?  You bet your sweet ass I do.  I would recommend it to anyone who is considering it.  In fact, if I were rich and money were no problem, I would pay for all of my friends to get it.  I’m serious, anyone I know who would want it could have the surgery on me.  I would love all of them to feel as good about themselves as I do right now.  In fact, I’m going to go so far as to say that any woman who has had all of her children deserves to have this surgery.  Any woman who basically destroys her body in order to give her husband children deserves at least this in return.  So girls, go to hubby tonight, place his beautiful children in his lap, look him in the eye, and tell him you want one thing in return for giving him his little darlings, and that’s the opportunity to get back what you had!  And good luck, I hope your husbands are as open-minded as mine.

…because this operation HURTS! Tuesday, Mar 20 2007 

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still glad I had the operation, and I know that in a couple of weeks or a month I’ll be singing like a bird, but right now I can honestly say this is painful.  It is Tuesday morning and I had the operation last Wednesday, so this is six days of pure pain.  Yesterday I took a shower and it took an entire hour then I was so exhausted I needed a three hour nap just to get over it.  I’m not kidding girls, this is no walk in the park!  And talking makes you get out of breath for some reason.  It actually feels like you are sucking in your stomach with all your might and talking at the same time.  Try doing that for a few seconds and you’ll see how quickly you will get out of breath.

Our land is coming along great.  Once we got the underbrush out I was able to see, for the first time, just how big it is.  We really got a nice piece of land!  Now I am anxious to one day move out there.  But I know that will have to wait.  Hubby has to get himself aligned in his career, and that doesn’t include St. Francisville just yet.

Well, I’m getting tired again.  I think I’ll go lay down.  I’ll post when I’m feeling better.

…no, not pissed today, I’m excited! Saturday, Mar 10 2007 

I am getting a TUMMY TUCK Wednesday!  Yes!  Can’t wait!  We are leaving today to go to Louisiana for a few days – birthday party for the grandson (2 years old), niece (17 years old), and sister (34 years old). Then spend a couple days clearing out a piece of land we bought with dreams of building a house and retiring there one day.

For now we are going to clear the land and make it (hopefully) look like a park with fruit trees along the back.  Oh, it is quiet large – 2 acres with 250 feet of road frontage and a ravine that runs along the length of the back and along the right side.  We will NEVER have neighbors behind us or beside us.  Can you say privacy!  Love it!

Wednesday morning I am going under the knife to get all this extra stuff off my stomach and legs.  I somehow grew a foot of extra skin on my lower stomach while I was pregnant with the two little angels and it just won’t go away.  The rest of me looks fine – but the lower tummy is just too much for me to live the rest of my life with.  Besides, I deserve it.  Like I told my husband, he has two healthy, beautiful, bright little boys and not a single stretch mark to show for it.  I got stretch marks, 18 months of pregnancy, 12 hours of labor for the first, 32 hours of labor for the second, two c-sections, 18 months of breast feeding, a foot of extra skin on my lower stomach, and about fifteen pounds that are hanging on for dear life.  I think two things:  first of all, he got the better deal, and secondly, I deserve this!  Okay, I TELL him he got the better deal.  That is just for a little extra umph when I am justfiying spending all this money on a non-necessity.  The real truth is that I think I got the better deal.  I was the lucky one who got to feel life inside my body and love these little beings before I even got to see them or hold them.  Men got ripped off for never getting to have that experience.  But let’s not tell him that!

So, off I go to get my brand new tummy!  I am about to wet myself I am so excited.  Wednesday seems so far away.  Everyone says it will be painful and all that.  I say that after the results my doctor seems to think I’ll have, I can endure anything for a week or two.  It will be well worth it.

Well, gotta run.  I’ll post again as soon as I am up to sitting at the computer for a few minutes.  Talk to ya then!

…because I just realized I have exactly 6 months left of my 30’s Thursday, Mar 1 2007 

Well, this is it, March 1, 2007.  I will be 40 at the end of August, 2007.  This means I have right at 6 months left of my 30’s.  UGH!  It could be worse – I could look like a hag.  I must admit that I still look pretty good.  The picture of my husband and I was taken on my 39th birthday in Vegas last August.  Thankfully, I’m aging gracefully.

People say that if they could go back and do it over again they wouldn’t, but I feel differently.  I WOULD go back and do it over again.  My life has been a blast.  When I had ups they were really up, and when I had downs they were really down – I’ve been so poor that I have had to go two weeks between paychecks with as little as $5.00 to my name.  I did a juggling act with my bills each month that would have made Barnem and Bailey proud.  My mom used to tell me that I could stretch a nickel into a dollar.  I was so poor that I routinely made three nights worth of meals with a $2.00 chicken.  Seriously, I was POOR.

Then I moved, I mean married, up to upper middle class.  You want to talk about a shock?  Try going into a store for the first time in your life and not have to bring a calculator to make sure you didn’t go over the amount of money you had in your wallet.  Or getting your first credit card and being scared to use it.  Or finding it IMPOSSIBLE, even to this day, ten years into the marriage, to go into the mall and pay full price for a piece of clothing.  Everything I own comes from sale racks.  Not because I have to, but because I just can’t stop myself.  But would I do it over again?  You bet your back side.  I’d do it again – and not just the good stuff – all of it, because even when I was poor as dirt I was happy.  The reason is because I was born poor.  However, because we lived on a farm and raised our own food, we didn’t know it.  We ate!  And we ate good!  We didn’t have many clothes, and our shoes were worn, but our bellies were full and I guess that’s most important.  So when I grew up and was on my own, dirt poor and struggling from paycheck to paycheck, I wasn’t missing anything because I never had anything to miss.

I can proudly say now that I put myself through college and graduated with a B.A. in Elementary Education with a minor in History.  Yea Me!  I put myself through the first few years, then married and my husband picked up the reigns and paid my way through the rest.  How lucky am I?  I’m serious – it’s times like this, sitting here typing this and seeing it in black and white, that makes me realize just how lucky I am to have married this man.  I think I’ll sign off and go tell him just how much I love and appreciate him.  Ya’ll have a great night!